Friday, April 7, 2017

OMG Finally Luke is here!!

So March 30th came and went and Luke is now here!! I will get to the story of how and what happened in another blog later. I'm a little tired and sore from these past few days so I'm not up to telling it today. It has been crazy these few days since he's been born. 
I'm breastfeeding him and it was hard to get him to latch onto my breasts. After a few feedings and much help and guidance from the nurses in the hospital, we're doing much better. We've only been home for a little over a week and we've been busy with one thing or another every day. All while battling sleep deprivation, etc. Not complaining because even with all the craziness, it's actually been a lot of fun. 
Between Luke and myself, we both have many doctors appointments. I have a lot more than him. It's annoying but they're necessary.
Today, I have a lot more energy than the day before so I was able to make dinner. I made some delicious homemade macaroni and cheese and I baked some biscuits to go with it because I was craving them. I'm weird but I like to eat. I may not be pregnant anymore but with breastfeeding, I still have to eat a little more than normal. Why? For those who may not know, When a woman breastfeeds she's burning a lot of calories. So with feeding my baby every 2-3 hours, I have to keep myself hydrated and well fed to keep well fed. And to make sure he is gaining weight like he's supposed to do.
Raven is doing well with Luke around. We have to remind and reassure her of certain things now that he's here but she's doing good so far. Sometimes when he cries, she'll start singing songs to him......and he'll calm down right away!! She usually sings the ABC song. It's one of those most precious moments that you'll never forget and cherish forever. I love attentive she is to him. Both my babies spending some time together just makes me smile for days and warms my heart. And Bobby....oh man Bobby is the most proud papa I've ever met. I've never seen a man so happy to be a Dad and love their baby so much. And Luke is only a week old at the time I write this!
Every little noise, cry, face and movement elicits a different reaction from Bobby and it's always happy one. Or one of completely and utter awe. It makes me happy to know that he's so happy when he looks or holds Luke. To know that I was able to give him that feeling by giving him a child, a son that's all his own. I love seeing the love in his eyes when he looks at Luke and gives him kisses. It melts my heart and put my soul at ease to witness it. 
What I mean by that is, I've seen and experienced a man reject the child I bore for him and it was painful for both me and my daughter. So painful that I never thought we'd be okay. But then Bobby came along and he has loved and accepted both of us. Cherished and protected us. Gone above and beyond for us in everything he says and does. So I'm happy and elated at the fact that Bobby is not only with the daughter he's gained from me but the son as well. I just fall more and more in love with him each day and, not to sound too corny, but it always surprises me how much I truly love him and he loves me back. I'm just happy. Things are hard and busy for us but we always push through and fight through it together. Always and forever.
Anyways that's it for this blog. Until next time.

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